You can find many quality custom essays that explore important topics and even offer new perspectives to the old issues.
All documents on our website are listed here for ease of access.. The documents are grouped into Research, Programs, Policy Priorities, and Policy Positions and Testimonies.
Hispanic Diversity
Texas Landscape: Origin and Citizenship 2009 (pdf)
Texas Landscape: Demographic and Socio-Economic 2009 (pdf)
Demographic, Social and Economic Profiles (pdf)
Origin and Nativity (pdf)
La Familia (Family) Profiles
Latino Obesity Crisis: An equity perspective in school prevention efforts (pdf)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - Texas and San Antonio 2010 (pdf)
Financial Security of Mexican American Seniors (pdf)
BIENESTAR (Well-Being) of Latino Seniors (pdf)
Teen Births by Texas Economic Regions (pdf)
Adolescent Health (pdf)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - San Antonio (pdf)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - National (pdf)
Health Insurance Coverage
Latino Bienestar and Health Insurance Inequities (pdf)
Texas Landscape: Access to Health Insurance 2009 (pdf)
Texas Landscape: Government Health Insurance 2009 (pdf)
Insured and Uninsured Risk Profile (pdf)
Medicaid And SCHIP Safety Net (pdf)
Latino Issues in U.S. Southwest - California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
Hispanic Inequity in Texas Dental School Enrollment (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Access to Healthcare 2008 (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Demographic Profile 2008 (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Health Professions Shortage 2008 (pdf)
Texas on the Brink (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Education 2008 (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Impact and Issues 2008 (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Demographic, Social-Economic & Health Issues Forum (pdf)
U.S/Mexico Border: Health Care Access Resources Forum (pdf)
Abuelos y Nietos Juntos Project
Abuelos y Nietos: A Bienestar Model 2011 (pdf)
Abuelos y Nietos Project Impacts Summary 2011 (pdf)
Latino Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (pdf)
Abuelos y Nietos Juntos Project 2009 (pdf)
Lessons Learned - Policy Implications Nov 2008 (PowerPoint)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - San Antonio (pdf)
Quality of Life of Mexican American Seniors
Community Engagement Nutrition Action (CENA) Program (pdf)
Senior Bienestar Engagement in Action Newsletter (pdf)
Latino Senior Bienestar Engagement Project (pdf)
Mexican Americans Seniors in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley 2009 (pdf)
Latino and the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) Initiative
Stimulus Funding for Texas Health Centers (pdf)
Texas HHS Stimulus Funding (pdf)
Latino Bienestar and the American Recovery and Reinvestment 2010 (pdf)
Latino Policy Research and Policy-Making
Latino Research Impact on Policy Making (pdf)
Latino Research Policy Making 2010 (pdf)
Tobacco ‘Clean-Air’ Initiative
Latino Tobacco Prevention, Workers Rights and Policy Change 2011 (pdf)
Texas Smoking Quitline and Latinos (pdf)
Gracias Por No Fumar (pdf)
Smoke-Free Texas: Health and Economic Benefits (doc)
Smoke-Free Texas: A Health and Workers' Rights Issue (ppt)
Bienestar Platform and Policy Issues
Bienestar Platform and Policy Priorities (pdf)
Bienestar Legislative Issues (pdf)
Bola de Ladrones: Federal and State Budget Crises (pdf)
Texas Budget Crisis: Impact on Latinos (pdf)
Health Care Reform
Latino Uninsured and Opportunities for ACA Coverage 2011 (ppt)
What Health Care Reform Means To You (pdf)
La Reforma de Salude que Significa Para Ti (pdf)
Health Care Reform…What does it mean? (pdf)
Patient Protection and Affordability Act 2010 (pdf)
Small Business and Latino Health under Health Care Reform 2010 (pdf)
Small Business Perspectives and Priorities for Health Care Reform 2009 (pdf)
Latina Bienestar Healthcare Reform 2009 (pdf)
Latinos and the Affordability of Health Insurance 2009 (pdf)
Senate Bill 10: Medicaid Reform Executive Summary 2008 (pdf)
Health Care Reform Policy Perspectives 2007 (pdf)
Reforming the Immigration System
Immigration in Texas: Attack on Latinos 2011 (pdf)
Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Ban on Menthol Cigarettes in the United States Resolution (pdf)
Reforma de la Salud – Health Care Reform and Latinos (Video)
Will 14,577,505 U.S./Southwest Border State Latinos Get Coverage under Health Care Reform? 2009 (pdf)
Health Care Reform: Immigrant Access to Health Insurance Coverage [1] (Word document)
Affordable Small Business Health Insurance Coverage 2009 (pdf)
Universal Health Care NOW! 2009 (pdf)
Latino Bienestar: Healthcare Reform and SCHIP 2009 (pdf)
Legislative Agenda: Latino Health Care Access 2009 (pdf)

Texas Budget Cuts, Inequities and Mexican American Bienestar (Well-Being) (pdf)
Testimony: Smoke-Free Texas 2011 (doc)
Testimony: Teen Pregnancy Prevention 2009 (pdf)
Testimony: Reproductive Health 2009 (pdf)
Immigration Action 2009 (pdf)
Medicaid and SCHIP Action 2009 (pdf)
House Testimony: Medicaid and SCHIP March 2009 (pdf)
Testimony: Texas Committee Federal Stimulus Funds March 2009 (pdf)
Latino Health Insurance Disparities: Legislative Priorities 2009 (pdf)